Picking the right Dish Network programming package can be quite confusing. There are six simple steps that will make this easy for you. Following these steps will save you time and money.
Monthly Budget
Dish Network
The first step is to decide on your family budget. This will help move the process along quickly. No need to waste time looking at a 0 per month package when your budget is per month. Have a meeting with your family members and decide on a budget and stick to it.
Must have channels
The next step is to make a list of the must have channels. Ask each family member which channels they must have. Don't leave anyone out. Television viewing is a very important part of most family's lives. Don't make any assumptions, ask everyone. Don't leave the little ones out, get them involved in the process or you will pay later for ignoring them
Make a list of these channels. Let everyone know that there will have to be some compromising, when the packages and budget don't fit.
High definition programming
Do you have a high definition television set? If you do and you would like to view available high definition channels, you will need the high definition package.
Premium channels
Premium channels are another area you need to have a discussion with your family about. These are primarily movie channels and specialty channels. Does your family like watching movies at home? If so, what type of movies? Answering this question will help you decide which premium channels you might want to consider.
International channels
Does anyone watch channels from other countries? Don't forget your parents and grandparents who prefer to watch channels from the old country. Don't leave them out. Get them their channels.
Once you have these questions answered, it's time to look at the programming packages.
Picking your package
This is your final step in the process. Go to the Dish Network website with your list in hand. Go down your list, and write down which package each channel shows up in. You can make this quick and easy by going to the programming guide in the Dish Network website and searching each package.
If you are lucky, your channels will fit nicely into a particular package. Most likely this will not be the case. Some of your channels will only be available in packages that throw your budget off. This is where you sit down once more with the family and decide on which channels you can live without.
After this process, you will know exactly which package you want. You are now ready to call Dish Network to set up your service. Don't make your decision based on the available promotions. If the promotion helps, great. Do not get channels just because of the promotion. If you do this, you will throw your budget off. You will most likely forget to cancel channels and end up spending more money.
Hope this has helped you and happy viewing.
Dish Network Programming - 6 Steps to Picking the Right Programming Package
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