Sunday, June 17, 2012

Time Management - Do It Now Microwave Minutes for Amazing Results!

Do It Now!

I once knew an attorney who said he cured himself of extreme procrastination by telling himself thousands of times, "Do it now!"

Dish Network

He became very successful in Las Vegas, so I would say his strategy worked. That's point one.

Time Management - Do It Now Microwave Minutes for Amazing Results!

Microwave Minutes

Point two is that lately I have been very aware of microwave minutes. Some days I don't even believe in microwaves -- they turn water molecules into horror stories, according to Dr. Emoto. But I still use our microwave!

And when I set it for one minute, it's amazing what I can do before it beeps at me! From the counter top drying towel, I can put away all the dishes and silverware, gather up and wash three scattered cat dishes with dried on crud, or get out eight separate supplements and swallow them. I can look up a new recipe in Joy of Cooking and mark the page.

In three minutes, by the microwave timer, I can fold a medium load of laundry, scan and clear about 15 emails, or write the first four paragraphs of this article.

Time Management

This has me reflecting on time management. It really all comes down to the minutes.

Doing one small thing now -- in your office, your garden, your volunteer program -- with focus and direction, is productive use of time.

When we procrastinate, it's because we think we don't have a minute. Maybe we're being lazy or feeling stressed out and resistant to any action. Or we're scared to try something when we are not sure how to succeed. But a minute -- 60 small seconds -- is actually ripe with potential if we will use it to do something! If we just take the first step toward a goal -- look up a phone number for a networking call, for instance -- we are managing that minute wisely.

I have often found that breaking goals into small, even microscopic steps, is a sure-fire way to success. Now it looks like fitting small steps into your nano-moments -- those in between points in your day -- is a fine way to outsmart time and reach your goals, whether a neater kitchen or a new career.

Do It Now Microwave Minutes for Amazing Results!

It's my sneaky new strategy for time management. Check it out to see what kind of success you can squeeze into a minute or three, with absolutely minimal stress.

Time Management - Do It Now Microwave Minutes for Amazing Results!

Tablet Laptop General Auto Insurance Settlements

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